Welcome to the podcast for techintervide.guide. I‘ve been in the tech industry for over 25 years and have spent more than a decade in management and leadership roles involved in the interview process at many organizations. I‘ve helped people get jobs at all kinds of companies, from small startups to FAANG organizations. I live stream career coaching and interview preparation advice for people in the tech industry who are looking for their first, or next, technical job . This podcast is made up of Q&A / AMA sessions that I host a few times each month. I talk about behavioral questions, technical concepts, industry trends in interviewing, and what kinds of things are important when answering questions. You can check out https://techinterview.guide/streaming for more information about live streaming events coming up. You‘re welcome to contact me through the web site or LinkedIn if you have a question you would like answered, or -- better yet -- drop by the live stream on Twitch to ask in real-time. I‘m always open to feedback, and look forward to helping you!

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Do I tell recruiters that I’m waiting to hear back from other companies?
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
An anonymous question came in asking whether the person should tell other recruiters that they're waiting for responses from other companies. I like transparency in communication, but how much you share is a personal preference. I was always willing to be open with recruiters as a show of goodwill whenever I had other interviews, offers, etc, to help coordinate things. You always want companies to think that they are your number one choice.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
An anonymous question came in Twitch Chat outlining a long list of programming languages and technologies they learned at a code school / bootcamp, and have not been able to find a job in the year since they graduated. I asked for more context in chat, and offered some general advice. I also asked that they contact me offline (we later connected on LinkedIn) to see if I can help them narrow down where they're having trouble.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
A question that I was requested to answer on Quora mentioned that they cancelled an interview and got a very rude response from the recruiter. This is highly unprofesional of them, and I suggest giving the company some feedback. Here are some ideas how to approach this.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Great question from our Discord community regarding my strong preference to having a demonstration link on your resume for project work. If you develop applications which are not browser-based, it's more difficult to let someone explore what you've built. Here are some suggestions for making demo links for mobile apps, desktop apps, programs that run in a terminal/shell, and APIs, etc..
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
A user in Twitch chat asked my opinion on their employment situation. They're not currently paid to be a software developer, but built some software that makes the company more productive. They asked whether I thought they should turn that software into a freelance business where they adapt the software for other similar industry businesses, OR if I thought they should pursue a full-time development job. I weigh a lot of pros and cons and helped them think about some of the legal implications.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
We had an anonymous question come in on Discord from a person who is struggling to understand how to analyze leetcode problems to work out the algorithm type (the "pattern") and/or the data structure to use. They asked whether they can just memorize the syntax of other peoples' answers to fake like they know what they're doing when they get to an interview.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
A user on Twitch asked for advice about getting a Master's degree as a full-time program, while wanting to keep their full-time role at the company. Communicating the value that it will bring to them will be very important.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
What are my thoughts about roles like Data Analysis in the tech industry?
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
Wednesday Oct 26, 2022
A live chat user on Twitch asked a great question about Data Analysis roles and what I thought of the role. I can't recall the NPR story I listened to a few years ago recarding data analysis and "letting the data tell the story", but I believe it was about census data or something of that nature, and how one awesome lady decided she wasn't going to mold the data to fit a narrative that her public office wanted to tell. Instead, she held firm that they were going to let the data tell the story for them based on the data they had collected. I really wish I could recall the story, it was pretty fascinating.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
A question from Twitch chat came in asking my thoughts on why a company would be asking interview candidates to submit a personality test as part of their interview process. While it feels "clinical" to score an applicant based on personality assessments like this, there is SOME value to see how well you fit in on the team since many of these personality tests help gauge "soft skills" and teamwork. Third-party companies who run those personality tests do some pretty interesting correlation in their reports back to the company where you're interviewing to let them know how well you'll work with other people on the team, skill overlaps, and so on. While it's not a replacement for a more humanized interview to see if you'll fit in on the team, it's still a useful tool for companies who are still working out their interview process.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs

Saturday Oct 22, 2022
How have tech companies adjusted their interview questions over time?
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
We had more conversation about the kinds of questions that companies ask, and how other companies tend to (not not always) follow the major tech firms like FAANG companies, often copying their interview process.
This episode came from a live-stream event. Drop by any time and ask questions, or message me privately to ask questions anonymously. https://techinterview.guide/streaming
Check out all of my free content at https://techinterview.guide and the full archive of videos on YouTube, https://youtube.com/iandouglas . If you'd like to subscribe to an audio-only podcast, check out https://techinterview.guide/podcast for more information.
Subscribe to the free Daily Email series -- 6-weeks of hiring perspectives in the tech industry from a manager's point of view, https://tig.fyi/newsletters
If you'd like a free resume review, you can submit it here: https://techinterview.guide/resumereview. Private resume reviews are available.
We have a growing Discord community where you can ask questions, https://tig.fyi/discord
Connect with me on LinkedIn, https://linkedin.com/in/iandouglas736 and use this link to see how my network can benefit your job search: https://tig.fyi/ intros
#interviewprep #careers #techishiring #100devs